Our news letter "Let 'er Snow", is published once a month from September through April.

2024_september.pdf |

2024_october.pdf |

2024_november.pdf |

2024_december.pdf |

2025_january.pdf |

2025_february.pdf |
Snowmobile Trail Bridge
A thank you to Wagner Excavating for donating the materials and equipment for the snowmobile trail bridge located between CTH "O" and Woodland Road. This donation allowed our association to construct this bridge. The bridge shall allow a safe crossing over a deep agricultural drainage ditch. The bridge is constructed of reinforced concrete beams placed sideways for the crossing planks. The abutments were constructed using 2' x 2' x 4' concrete blocks. The blocks were also set behind the plank to prevent movement. The abutments were backfilled with stone. Then topsoil was placed on the edges and gravel placed at both approaches. The bridge is 12' wide and 20' long. Thanks again and enjoy a safe ride.
New Decking on Bridge that was built in 1992